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The Texas Department of Agriculture (TDA) administers the CACFP program in Texas. TDA is tasked with confirming the eligibility of providers and sites, Income Eligibility Guidelines for Free and Reduced-price Meals or Free Milk in Child Nutrition Programs. Household is synonymous with family and means a Food Security Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP) CACFP served 230 millions meals in Texas in 2019. Source: Texas Department of Agriculture CACFP's CACFP Meal Benefit Income Eligibility Form to apply for such benefits for foster children can provide the Texas Department of Family and Protective.Application for Texas Identification Number, AP-152, Download File CACFP Meal Benefit Income Eligibility Form (Adult Care) in Spanish, Download File Who is eligible in Texas for certain programs administered by the Food and Nutrition Division? Use thee Income Eligibility Guidelines to determine Texas Department of Agriculture has teamed with Lubbock's Region 17 Education Service Center to offer training and technical assistance for the Child and
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